Here are our top 10 tips for moving to University – uni is a big change, and an even bigger move for most people. Checkout our guide for what you will need to do before moving!
1. Make a packing list
Split your packing list into sections (we’ll show you how to do this below). This turns packing into a few smaller tasks for you to complete, rather than one humongous, endless job.
2. Learn how to use a washing machine
Do it. You will thank us later, since you won’t be the one who turns up to lectures wearing clothes two sizes small because you shrunk them in the wash.
3. Learn to cook
You don’t have to be Gordon Ramsay. Before you leave home, get some essential meals nailed. Bolognese sauce can go with spaghetti or it can be made into lasagne.
Eggs are an endlessly useful ingredient that can become wondrous things, like omelettes, or they can be boiled for quick sources of energy to get you through the day. These are just some of the tricks that will make you happy and healthy throughout uni.
4. Budget, budget, budget
Money is a finite resource. Work out how much you have, when you should use it and what amount you can spend in total before the next pay cheque, loan or grant makes its way to your account.
5. Follow your uni on social media
Chances are there is a social media page specifically dedicated to your student halls, too. This is worth following, because that is where all the impromptu parties, sports matches and en-masse snowball fights are posted.
6. Sort out your bank account
Do this while you’re still living at home. You’ll have the time to find the deal that benefits you most. Look for discounts offered to students and any freebies you might receive. If you can find a free bus pass or railcard as part of your account, it’s worth its value in Bitcoins.
7. Learn about your local area
Google it. You’ll be surprised what you find out.
8. Read up on your subject
If you’re lucky enough to be furnished with a reading list before you get to uni, read it. It’s been compiled by multiple scholars, all of whom are leaders in their field. It’s taken time, effort and research to tailor the books on that list to your needs, so you can get the most out of your course. So, read up!
9. Polish your CV
There will come a time when you need a part time job while at uni. For most students, that’s straight away. Be ahead of the pack by having a CV that’s ready to hit the high street.
10. Check your medical and health supplies
It’s especially important if you have a medical condition that you manage yourself to maintain a good supply of any medication you use to keep you well. If you have asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, or any other condition, it is vitally important that you register with a GP that’s near to your uni digs.
South London Movers are London’s finest removals team operating throughout the capital. We specialise in professional, reliable moves and apply our 20 years of experience to ensure 100% client satisfaction.
Our fully insured moves guarantee that your possessions are safe with us, get in touch today if you’re looking to make student removals in London a piece of cake.